ART Dustscreen


ART Dustscreen is a specially formulated liquid polymer added to watering trucks used to reduce water required for continuous dust suppression by at least 55% and extend the dust suppressing effects four to five times longer than water alone.

Specifically developed for the conditions of the mining and resource sectors,

ART Dustscreen can be applied using existing site water trucks, tankers, or sprinklers.

Mixed with water, ART Dustscreen is sprayed onto road surfaces, it binds and creates a stable layer during dry seasons which is resistant for heavy traffic wear, wind erosion, and rainfall impact.

Left untreated, dust from unsealed roads, hardstands, cleared sites, and large soil/mineral stockpiles can have a considerable impact on staff, the environment and the quality of life for local communities.

ART Dustscreen minimizes this impact by locking down dust, as well as providing budget savings in the reduction of water truck movements – also reducing the potential for incidents by reducing traffic volumes. The use of ART Dustscreen also improves the running surface of treated roads over time, by reducing rolling resistance and maintaining surface integrity.


ART will work with you to devise a full dust mitigation strategy to meet the challenges facing your project or business operation. We can also provide ongoing dust monitoring services to ensure the most cost effective protection over the life of your project.


The key areas of use for ART Dustscreen  include:

  • Haul Roads – Suppresses dust on unsealed roads – plus provides benefits in terms of ride-ability and decreased maintenance costs over time.
  • Cleared Sites – mitigates the impact of dust on worker safety and condition of plant and equipment.
  • Environmental Management – Mitigate the impact of dust on surrounding environment and on communities.


  • Ideal for established, permanent operations of long-term projects.
  • Robust product characteristics allow it to be applied across a diverse range of industries.
  • Immediate cost benefits compared to continually watering.
  • Long term cost benefits from reduced windborne material loss.
  • Improved health and safety on site – better visibility and reduced dust related respiratory risks.
  • Environmental protection – ART Dustscreen is non-toxic, has a low carbon footprint and reduces the damage caused by fugitive dust.
